Self Reflection on Rotation Ambulatory

Ambulatory medicine at Centers Urgent Care was an incredible experience. Without a doubt this was one of my favorite rotations because I got to work alongside many PAs. This rotation not only fortified my commitment to working in ambulatory medicine in the future but it also gave me the assurance about becoming a PA. I witnessed PAs taking complete responsibility in caring for patients. They performed procedures, ordered labs, interpreted lab results, and assessed x-rays. All of my preceptors made me feel welcomed and took interest in my learning experience. I was consistently coached by the PAs on how to follow up with patients, interpret labs, and write detailed notes. I was happy to be entrusted with a set of patients and I often felt that I was of value to the team. I learned how to document well in ECW and also how to recognize emergent patients from less emergent ones.

One of my most memorable moments was my first time suturing without direct supervision. My patient was a 43 year old woman who accidently cut her right middle finger with a box cutter. It felt really nerve wracking at first but as I continued with the process I became more confident. The skills and movements that I had practiced during the didactic year started to solidify. I am excited to continue practicing and placing more sutures in the future.

Another memorable moment that I had involved a 20 year old male who was presenting with bilateral lower leg swelling since waking up. His vitals were stable but we did an EKG which revealed ST elevations in leads II, III, and avF, as well as widespread ST elevations. It was one my first truly abnormal EKGs and I was proud to interpret it correctly. I was given the opportunity to advise the patient to go to the ER and I was able to convince him to go.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Centers Urgent Care. I got to practice numerous procedures, which included the following. Suturing, suture removal, staple removal, cerumen impaction removal, incision and drainage, wound care, venipuncture, and IV placements.