H&P Reflection

What differences do you note between the two H&Ps? My most recent H&P is more focused and provides more clarity into the reason that the patient is visiting. In contrast my first H&P has a very wordy HPI and missed crucial information regarding the patient’s PMH. In what ways has your history-taking improved?  Are you eliciting all the important information? I have significantly improved in taking PMH. I ensured that all prescription medications were inquired about in full detail. If there was any information that I forgot to ask I did not hesitate to jump back and inquire more about …

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Should we avoid blue light?

The black mirrors that we gaze into every day provide an illuminating source of information and entertainment.  Over the past few decades these devices have changed the way we work and the way we relax. They are an important part of our lifestyle. Consequently, we are bombarded by artificial blue light whenever we utilize our computers, stare at our phones/tablets, or watch TV. Recently, android and apple devices have introduced a built-in feature called “night mode” which reduces the amount of blue light emitted during evening hours1,2. A phone screen displaying a warmer spectrum of light is said to have …

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Policy Brief on Human Trafficking

To:  Assemblyman Michael DenDekker From:  Gagandeep Munday Date:  January 22, 2020Re:  Addressing hospital/clinic standards for assisting victims of Human Trafficking Statement of Issue:  In 2018 there were an estimated 403,000 trafficked persons in the United States. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act identifies trafficked persons as those utilized for sexual activates and servitude regardless of their age group or gender. Nearly 75% of victims performed sexual acts and 13% performed acts of labor. Minors and women were more likely to be coerced into sex trafficking than men. More US citizens were coerced into sex trafficking than foreign nationals. US and NY …

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Intimate Partner Violence and Disclosure

A female patient presents to the Emergency Department (ED) with a left arm fracture reportedly due to a fall, but privately shares with you, the physician assistant, that the fracture is actually due to intimate partner violence (Jenkin & Millward, 2006). The patient reports she was thrown down the stairs following a fierce argument with her husband, which was heard by her two children. Both the patient and her husband are known to the staff at the ED, the husband being a healthcare professional who had undertaken training at the ED. It is determined the patient had no loss of …

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